Friday, November 04, 2022

Bursary places for #LILAC23

The LILAC (UK information literacy) conference (which takes place 19-21 April 2023 in Cambridge, UK) is offering 5 free places. Deadline for applications is 30 November 2022 17.00 UK time (GMT). The bursaries are for people from/ working in the following under-represented communities and sectors in the UK: Ethnic minority backgrounds; Further Education; Health (e.g., NHS – librarians working in Higher Education who support health subjects are not eligible to apply); Public; Schools. The bursary includes 3 days attendance of all LILAC sessions and social events. Travel and accommodation expenses up to the value of £225 are also available if required.
"To be eligible for a place you must be a librarian, volunteer, or information professional working in or from the above-mentioned sectors/communities in the UK. You will have to show your commitment to information literacy by writing a short personal statement explaining how attending the conference will be of benefit to you, demonstrating your commitment to information literacy and detailing how you will disseminate knowledge gained from the conference."
More details at

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