Monday, September 09, 2024

Intercultural Perspectives on Information Literacy and Metaliteracy

Photo by Sheila Webber of colourful border plants namely yellow french marigolds and I think Russian sage in Western Park in August 2024
I have blogged previously about this international project (IPILM), which was previously called Intercultural Perspectives on Information Literacy. In the Western-hemisphere autumn semester students from different countries collaborate to produce presentations on current information-related topics and this culminates in a webinar in January (and this year there was also a summer version). The current project involves academics and students at Hildesheim University (the lead organisation), Symbiosis College of Arts and Commerce Pune, India, SUNY Empire State College New York, United States, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Austria, University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Political Sciences, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Tischner European University, Kraków, Poland.
They are curently advertising for students to participate October-December 2024 (I assume they have to be in one of the participating organisations) to address one of the themes: AI impact on local culture - language; AI impact on local culture - Cultural perception of AI regulation; AI impact on democracy - Politics; AI impact on democracy - Mis- and Disinformation; AI literacy for teacher education; AI literacy for students and students learning process; Ethics of producing digital media art with GenAI.
You can find the student videos from January 2024 and previous years here
There is also a recent post from Thomas Mackey about the project team's in-person meeting here.
Additionally, here is an article about the project: Griesbaum, J. et al. (2023). Teaching Internationally, Learning Collaboratively: Intercultural Perspectives on Information Literacy and Metaliteracy (IPILM). Communications in Information Literacy, 17 (1), 260–278.
Photo by Sheila Webber: colourful border in Western Park, August 2024

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