Friday, September 06, 2024

Webinar: Teaching Information Literacy: Foundational Concepts and Teaching Strategies

Photo by Sheila Webber of red rowan berries and some leaves on the tree in August 2024

On 11 September 2024 at 12 noon US Eastern time (which is 5pm UK time) this free webinar seems principally aimed at faculty etc. in Ohio, but appears to be open to all: Teaching Information Literacy: Foundational Concepts and Teaching Strategies. "What exactly do we mean when we talk about information literacy? Why is it important that our students are developing their information literacy? This virtual workshop will provide an overview of information literacy as a concept and a practice in higher education and explore why information literacy is crucial to student success. Participants will also learn about resources and strategies that they can use to incorporate information literacy into their courses. This workshop is aimed at course instructors, graduate teaching associates, and librarians."
Information and registration link at
Photo by Sheila Webber: rowan berries, August 2024 

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