UK librarians working in a library or information centre that supports National Health Service staff are invited to participate in the FOLIO Infoskills 2 training course, sponsored by the National Library for Health Librarian Development Programme. It runs 24th Oct- 2nd Dec 2005. The course aims "to equip you with the knowledge and skills to effectively evaluate information skills training courses". It is delivered through e-learning.
If you are eligible and interested fill in the InfoSkills2 registration form at
http://www.nelh.nhs.uk/folio/register11.doc and email it to Ms Lynda Ayiku at:
L.Ayiku@shef.ac.uk Registration for the course will close on 14th of October. There is more info about the FOLIO programme generally at
http://www.nelh.nhs.uk/folio/(Photo by S. Webber: Hydrangeas, Myanoshita, Japan, July 2005.)