What must be a really interesting document was published a couple of months ago. It reports on a investigation into how Swedish universities have responded to the paragraph in the Swedish Higher Education act that basically legislates that all students have to graduate with information skills. Unfortunately I can't read Swedish, but I know something about it having talked to one of the authors of the report. We are also rather chuffed* that the authors chose the title "Someone else's job" after attending a seminar in Sweden where we were presenting our research (one of the conceptions of teaching information literacy amongst our sample of UK academics was that teaching IL was "Someone else's job"). I believe the authors may be producing a summary in English, but in the meantime you can download the full thing in Swedish:
Hansson, Birgitta and Rimsten, Olle.(2005) "Someone else's job": måluppfyllelse av 1 kap. 9 paragrafen högskolelagen avseende studenters informationskompetens. Örebro: Örebro universitet, Universitetsbiblioteket. http://www.kb.se/BIBSAM/bidrag/projbidr/avslutade/2005/someone_elses_job.pdf
* For non-Brits, chuffed=pleased, satisfied
(Photo by S. Webber: Forest near Tilburg University, August 2005.)