Vivienne Bernath, Information Literacy and Reference Librarian, Monash University Library (Australia) has written in to say
"Some of your blog readers might be interested to see the presentations from the 2nd Research Applications in Information and Library Studies Seminar, held in Canberra earlier this month. Several of the presentations were related to aspects of information literacy eg:
- Judgements during Information Seeking: Assessing enough information.
- Taking the pulse... the information literacy practices of Victorian TAFE librarians.
- The Information Literacy Needs and Practices of Research Students in the Digital Age
Program, abstracts and presentations are at
http://www.nla.gov.au/initiatives/meetings/railprog.html "
Hmmm ... I note it was supported by the National Library of Australia. Not sure I can see the BL sponsoring something like this!
(Photo by S. Webber: Ripening blackberries, Sheffield, Sept. 2005)