Thanks to Lisa Sloniowski for alerting us to the wiki at http://instructionwiki.org/Main_Page which focuses on "library instruction". It has a practical focus and already has some links and content. It is a product of the Oregon Library Association's Library Instruction Roundtable but, being a wiki, anyone can add to or amend it. I know there is also a wiki that's been started up by a UK librarian on information literacy, but I need to check whether it's OK with him to publicise it yet.
(Photo by S. Webber: Saltire in the sky, viewed over Sheffield, Sept. 2005 (Scotland's national flag has a white cross - saltire- on a blue ground). This reminds me of when I lived in Scotland and the Daily Record newspaper (Scotland's most popular tabloid) had a photo like this on its front page which was supposed to augur well for the victory of the Scottish football team.)