That worked fine, but I was TALKING over the telephone, and that did not work well: they couldn't really hear what I was saying when my time came at 12.00 noon. Thus we had to abandon the attempt after 5 minutes or so. Fortunately I didn't have any more appointments today, so I was able to hang round my computer and I added extra text to my ppt. In the end I gave my first SILENT presentation at 17.00, highlighting important bits on the ppt using a drawing facility and managing the whole thing in 3 or 4 minutes. Perhaps all my presentations should be that short. I believe I got applause ;-))
So, here is the ppt, in pdf format at http://dis.shef.ac.uk/sheila/blogging2007.pdf . With the extra notes I hope it should be even easier than normal PowerPoints for you to follow what I meant!
Photo by Peter Stordy: Me, today, in my office.
My dear Sheilla.
Thank you for your patiente with us and our audio problems.
It was nevertheless a memorable presentation, one for which there is no name.
The slides will be on slideshare shortly for all to see.
And I'll put the audio somewhere too (odeo most probably). The silence from the beginning to the end was electrifying.
I can only hope that next time I can get you here in person.
Another lesson I will never forget is: you are a dedicated professional, teacher and friend as there are very few around.
Thank you!
We really like your SILENT presentation. It remembered us the old silent films.
It was a funny, pleasant and enjoyable presentation.
We admired your capacity of improvisation to bypass our audio problems.
For this, we think you should be a very good teacher.
We are also teachers but with this "lesson" we were your pupils.
Thanks for your participation and hope to meet you "in person".
Cândida Silva
Lino Oliveira
Milena Carvalho
Susana Martins
PIGeCo Investigation Group
very informative Sheilla
Dear Sheila
I am a teacher in ESEIG and I must thank you for your presentation. The written presentation was very clear and interesting but the "unique" way you dared to present it was really great. A true 2.0 teacher. Thank you.
Fernanda Gonçalves
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