Johnson, A-M. and Jent, S. (2007) "Library instruction and information literacy: 2005." Reference Services Review, 35 (1), 137-186. This is their annual annotated bibliography - 288 items this time, divided into broad categories (Academic/Public/School/Special/All types). As usual there are loads more academic-sector articles than public library ones (131 vs 2!), and bias towards US material. Still very useful though, obviously.
Gómez-Hernández, J.A. and Pasadas-Ureña, C., (2007). “La alfabetización informacional en bibliotecas públicas. Situación actual y propuestas para una agenda de desarrollo”. ("Information Literacy in public libraries: current situation and proposals for a development agenda")Information Research, 12 (3). http://InformationR.net/ir/12-3/paper316.html In Spanish.
Gómez-Hernández, J.A. and Pasadas-Ureña, C., (2007). “La alfabetización informacional en bibliotecas públicas. Situación actual y propuestas para una agenda de desarrollo”. ("Information Literacy in public libraries: current situation and proposals for a development agenda")Information Research, 12 (3). http://InformationR.net/ir/12-3/paper316.html In Spanish.
Photo by Sheila Webber: Strawberry flowers, May 2007.
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