Monday, October 17, 2016

The framework catalogue of digital competences #ECIL2016

After a few days rest, I'll start to catch up with posts from the European Conference on Information Literacy 2016 which took place last week. A presentation given by Justyna Jasiewicz, Małgorzata Kisilowska and Anna Mierzecka on Relationality is the Key: The Family of Digital Competencies’ Catalogues and Their Potential Applications described initial research (quite substantial) which had gone into developing a set of digital competencies frameworks in Poland. There is a general framework, one aimed at over 50s and one aimed at Small and medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs). There is an English version of the general Framework catalogue of digital competences here:
There is a Polish site here. A distinguishing feature of the framework is that it identifies benefits (ones which had been identified in the research study by participants) and then links the skills to the benefits, which is a neat idea.

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