Friday, July 31, 2020
Role of Library and Knowledge Specialists in Moving Education and Training Online

Thursday, July 30, 2020
Webinar: Engaging your online audience in IL instruction
The UK's Open University Library and Royal Holloway University of London Library are running a free online workshop on 11 August 2020, 1.30-2.30pm UK time: Get connected! Engaging your online audience in IL instruction. "In this webinar, Librarians at the Open University (OU) Library and Royal Holloway Library will share their expertise and examples on how you can make your online teaching more accessible, interactive and engaging. ... The event will cover: Examples of interactive activities you can run online; Pedagogical principles underlying online learning; Ensuring the accessibility of your online activities. Presenters are: Eva Dann (Information Consultant, Royal Holloway); Hossam Kassem (Teaching and Learning Librarian, The Open University); Greg Leurs (Digital and Online Teaching Information Consultant, Royal Holloway). Register at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/the-ou-and-royal-holloway-university-of-london-30803535870
Photo by Sheila Webber: Canary Wharf, July 2020
Photo by Sheila Webber: Canary Wharf, July 2020
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
New articles: fake news; teaching teachers; doctoral students; meta-synthesis
The latest issue of the Journal of Academic Librarianship (priced) (Volume 46 issue 5) includes:
- Information literacy and fake news: How the field of librarianship can help combat the epidemic of fake news (this article is open access) by Saoirse De Paor, Bahareh Heravi
- Teaching the teachers to teach information literacy: A literature review by Jane Hammons
- Faculty perceptions of librarians and library services: Exploring the impact of librarian faculty status and beyond by Cathy Weng, David C. Murray
- Research workflow skills for education doctoral students and postdocs: A qualitative study by Sharon Ince, Christopher Hoadley, Paul A. Kirschner
- Academic library guides for tackling fake news: A content analysis by Sook Lim
- Meta-synthesis in Library & Information Science Research by Juan Xie, Qing Ke, Ying Cheng, Nancy Everhart
Go to https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/the-journal-of-academic-librarianship/vol/46/issue/5
Photo by Sheila Webber: flowerbed in the park, July 2020
- Information literacy and fake news: How the field of librarianship can help combat the epidemic of fake news (this article is open access) by Saoirse De Paor, Bahareh Heravi
- Teaching the teachers to teach information literacy: A literature review by Jane Hammons
- Faculty perceptions of librarians and library services: Exploring the impact of librarian faculty status and beyond by Cathy Weng, David C. Murray
- Research workflow skills for education doctoral students and postdocs: A qualitative study by Sharon Ince, Christopher Hoadley, Paul A. Kirschner
- Academic library guides for tackling fake news: A content analysis by Sook Lim
- Meta-synthesis in Library & Information Science Research by Juan Xie, Qing Ke, Ying Cheng, Nancy Everhart
Go to https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/the-journal-of-academic-librarianship/vol/46/issue/5
Photo by Sheila Webber: flowerbed in the park, July 2020
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
International Visual Literacy Association grants
The International Visual Literacy Association (IVLA) has a call for proposals for research, with grants of up to US $3,000, deadline August 15 2020. You have to be a member of the Association to apply. "The purpose of the IVLA competitive Research Grants Program is to encourage and support empirical research in visual literacy. Grant funds may be used for direct costs associated with the research project, including materials, software, tokens of appreciation for research participants, travel to collect or analyze data, transcription services, research assistants, etc. Grant funds may not be used for release time, salary, or conference travel, or to pay indirect costs or other overhead." The details are at https://ivla.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/IVLA-Research-Grants-CFP.pdf
Photo by Sheila Webber: redberries, July 2020
Photo by Sheila Webber: redberries, July 2020
Monday, July 27, 2020
Webinar: online teaching of medical IL skills
The ACRL Health Sciences Interest Group organised a series of free one-hour webinars on Interactive Online Learning. The last one is on August 7 2020 at 9am US Pacific time (which is, e.g., 5pm UK time). This has 3 presentations:
- Health Information Literacy and Interactive Video: An Accessible, Asynchronous, Student-Driven Search Strategies Activity (Samantha (Sam) Harlow, online learning librarian and liaison to Kinesiology, Public Health Education, and Community and Therapeutic Recreation at the University of North Carolina Greensboro, USA)
- Video Modules for Online Learning: Creating Content for the New Normal (Julia Stumpff, Instructional Design Librarian, and Laura Menard, Assistant Director for Medical Education and Access Services, Ruth Lilly Medical Library, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA).
- Breakout! Utilizing a Virtual Breakout Room to Teach Hands-On Medical Research Skills (Vera Elwood, Instructional Services Librarian at Central Methodist University, USA)
Register for this session here: https://ala-events.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_QH4Tn_LtSZ2BSP2pkOdx2Q
You can get more details, plus (scroll down the page) the recordings and slides from the previous webinars at https://acrl.libguides.com/c.php?g=519489&p=6027142
Photo by Sheila Webber: hydrangea, July 2020
- Health Information Literacy and Interactive Video: An Accessible, Asynchronous, Student-Driven Search Strategies Activity (Samantha (Sam) Harlow, online learning librarian and liaison to Kinesiology, Public Health Education, and Community and Therapeutic Recreation at the University of North Carolina Greensboro, USA)
- Video Modules for Online Learning: Creating Content for the New Normal (Julia Stumpff, Instructional Design Librarian, and Laura Menard, Assistant Director for Medical Education and Access Services, Ruth Lilly Medical Library, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA).
- Breakout! Utilizing a Virtual Breakout Room to Teach Hands-On Medical Research Skills (Vera Elwood, Instructional Services Librarian at Central Methodist University, USA)
Register for this session here: https://ala-events.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_QH4Tn_LtSZ2BSP2pkOdx2Q
You can get more details, plus (scroll down the page) the recordings and slides from the previous webinars at https://acrl.libguides.com/c.php?g=519489&p=6027142
Photo by Sheila Webber: hydrangea, July 2020
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Short online courses: Design thinking; IL and retention; Early ;literacy
Upcoming online short courses from Library Juice Academy include:
- Introduction to Design Thinking. $175, next running 3-30 August 2020. "Design Thinking is an approach to tackling problems and developing creative, user-centered solutions. This course will walk participants through the theory behind this process and offer a chance to gain hands-on experience with each step in the Design Thinking cycle." More info at https://libraryjuiceacademy.com/shop/course/160-introduction-to-design-thinking/?attribute_pa_session=2020-aug
- Student Retention in Higher Education: Information Literacy and Beyond. $175, next running September 7 - October 4 2020. "we will discuss major aspects of student retention. We review case studies of librarians who lead retention programs in action. The course also includes lectures, required and suggested readings (available as open access texts online), work tools, and a chance to create a beginner’s proposal to campus administration to create a grass roots program, or to become embedded into an existing retention program. " More info at https://libraryjuiceacademy.com/shop/course/042-student-retention-in-higher-education-information-literacy-and-beyond/?attribute_pa_session=2020-09-sep
- Foundations of Early Literacy. $175, next running September 7 - October 4 2020 "you will become familiar with the early literacy skills (phonological awareness, print awareness, letter knowledge, vocabulary, and background knowledge) and practices (talking, singing, reading, writing, and playing). Building on this knowledge, we will explore ways to apply them to your work, including ways to make library environments supportive of staff sharing early literacy information and activities with parents and caregivers." More info at https://libraryjuiceacademy.com/shop/course/166-foundations-early-literacy/?attribute_pa_session=2020-09-sep
Photo by Sheila Webber: hydrangea, June 2020
- Introduction to Design Thinking. $175, next running 3-30 August 2020. "Design Thinking is an approach to tackling problems and developing creative, user-centered solutions. This course will walk participants through the theory behind this process and offer a chance to gain hands-on experience with each step in the Design Thinking cycle." More info at https://libraryjuiceacademy.com/shop/course/160-introduction-to-design-thinking/?attribute_pa_session=2020-aug
- Student Retention in Higher Education: Information Literacy and Beyond. $175, next running September 7 - October 4 2020. "we will discuss major aspects of student retention. We review case studies of librarians who lead retention programs in action. The course also includes lectures, required and suggested readings (available as open access texts online), work tools, and a chance to create a beginner’s proposal to campus administration to create a grass roots program, or to become embedded into an existing retention program. " More info at https://libraryjuiceacademy.com/shop/course/042-student-retention-in-higher-education-information-literacy-and-beyond/?attribute_pa_session=2020-09-sep
- Foundations of Early Literacy. $175, next running September 7 - October 4 2020 "you will become familiar with the early literacy skills (phonological awareness, print awareness, letter knowledge, vocabulary, and background knowledge) and practices (talking, singing, reading, writing, and playing). Building on this knowledge, we will explore ways to apply them to your work, including ways to make library environments supportive of staff sharing early literacy information and activities with parents and caregivers." More info at https://libraryjuiceacademy.com/shop/course/166-foundations-early-literacy/?attribute_pa_session=2020-09-sep
Photo by Sheila Webber: hydrangea, June 2020
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Digital skills
A report has just been published by the UK's All Party Parliamentary Group on Digital Skills: the Group's purpose was "to provide a forum for parliamentarians, educators and employers to promote the importance of digital skills and to encourage a greater understanding of digital skills for personal, educational and career development". One of the problems for me was they don't seem to define what they mean by "digital skills". Anyway, they identify issues to do with access and inclusion, and the need for training, including (as the emphasis is on economic impact) workplace training. They make a number of recommendations for government policy.
A quote I'll pick out is "Data poverty also continues to rise, as many vulnerable people are now facing a choice between food and data. A root cause of data poverty is unaffordable monthly broadband and data bills."
The Group page is here: https://connectpa.co.uk/digital-skills-appg/
The report is here: https://connectpa.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Digital-Skills-APPG-report-2020.pdf
Photo by Sheila Webber: summer berries, July 2020
A quote I'll pick out is "Data poverty also continues to rise, as many vulnerable people are now facing a choice between food and data. A root cause of data poverty is unaffordable monthly broadband and data bills."
The Group page is here: https://connectpa.co.uk/digital-skills-appg/
The report is here: https://connectpa.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Digital-Skills-APPG-report-2020.pdf
Photo by Sheila Webber: summer berries, July 2020
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Outcomes of the first WHO global #infodemiology conference - how can we get library and information science into this conversation? @CILIPinfo @asist_org
Today there was a webcast with Outcomes of the first WHO global infodemiology conference. The conference was got together quickly, so perhaps it wasn't surprising that it didn't include all the participants you'd expect. However reflecting on how it seemed inevitable that librarianship & information science seemed to be ignored yet again, I moved from apathy to anger. I managed to get in a comment about the lack of input from LIS into the Youtube chat of this webcast before they switched the chat off...
On the one hand, it is negative to view this initiative purely in terms of who wasn't there, on the other, are we just going to accept that the work of librarians and information scientists about ... um ... information ... and misinformation is now irrelevant? I can think of the ways in which I could have acted to make LIS ideas more prominent, and I'm sure others can as well (I have tagged my two professional associations in the title of this blog post).
However, it is also an embedded ignorance on the part of institutions, apparently unaware that LIS as a discipline can make a serious contribution to policy in an area where information is the topic!!
I have included a screenshot of the research agenda drawn up through the discussion in the conference - many of the topics have been on the research agenda of library and information fields for years, and there is research there if people from other disciplines were to look for it!
So it's up to me - and others of us in the LIS community - to think how we can stop institutions ignoring us.
- The preconference material is here.
- The main conference material is here .
- The postconference material is here and is useful to watch for the summaries and next steps parts. It evidently was a valuable experience for those who participated.
- The webcast is here https://youtu.be/go0ku4-8GCk
Actions you can take are listed here (scroll down): https://www.who.int/teams/risk-communication/infodemic-management/post-conference-1st-who-infodemiology-conference
P.S. the person who appears to have coined the term Infodemiology, Gunther Eysenbach, was not invited (according to his comment in the chat), and the initiative also did not link with the efforts of the UNESCO Media and Information Literacy initiative, to my knowledge.
On the one hand, it is negative to view this initiative purely in terms of who wasn't there, on the other, are we just going to accept that the work of librarians and information scientists about ... um ... information ... and misinformation is now irrelevant? I can think of the ways in which I could have acted to make LIS ideas more prominent, and I'm sure others can as well (I have tagged my two professional associations in the title of this blog post).
However, it is also an embedded ignorance on the part of institutions, apparently unaware that LIS as a discipline can make a serious contribution to policy in an area where information is the topic!!
I have included a screenshot of the research agenda drawn up through the discussion in the conference - many of the topics have been on the research agenda of library and information fields for years, and there is research there if people from other disciplines were to look for it!
So it's up to me - and others of us in the LIS community - to think how we can stop institutions ignoring us.
- The preconference material is here.
- The main conference material is here .
- The postconference material is here and is useful to watch for the summaries and next steps parts. It evidently was a valuable experience for those who participated.
- The webcast is here https://youtu.be/go0ku4-8GCk
Actions you can take are listed here (scroll down): https://www.who.int/teams/risk-communication/infodemic-management/post-conference-1st-who-infodemiology-conference
P.S. the person who appears to have coined the term Infodemiology, Gunther Eysenbach, was not invited (according to his comment in the chat), and the initiative also did not link with the efforts of the UNESCO Media and Information Literacy initiative, to my knowledge.
Monday, July 20, 2020
New articles: Il practice and theory; mapping information literacy; playful learning; visual literacy; autoethnography
There is a special issue of the IFLA Journal (Volume 46, No.2, June 2020) focusing on information literacy. You can download the whole issue as a free pdf (see link below). The contents are:
- Information literacy: From practice to research and back again (Editorial) Gaby Haddow and Min Chou
- Knowledge visualization and mapping of information literacy, 1975–2018 Omwoyo Bosire Onyancha
- Refining information literacy practice: Examining the foundations of information literacy theory Michael Flierl and Clarence Maybee
- Theory into practice: Challenges and implications for information literacy teaching Deborah Schachter
- Playful learning for information literacy development Andrew Walsh
- Curating knowledge, creating change: University Knowledge Center, Kosovo national transition Mary M. Somerville, Anita Mirjamdotter, Edmond Harjizi, Elham Sayyad-Abdi, Michele Gibney, Christine Bruce and Ian Stoodley
- Adult learning theories and autoethnography: Informing the practice of information literacy Karen Bordonaro
- Studying visual literacy: Research methods and the use of visual evidence Krystyna K. Matusiak
pdf at https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/hq/publications/ifla-journal/ifla-journal-46-2_2020.pdf journal homepage for all issues https://www.ifla.org/publications/ifla-journal
Photo by Sheila Webber: hydrangea, July 2020
- Information literacy: From practice to research and back again (Editorial) Gaby Haddow and Min Chou
- Knowledge visualization and mapping of information literacy, 1975–2018 Omwoyo Bosire Onyancha
- Refining information literacy practice: Examining the foundations of information literacy theory Michael Flierl and Clarence Maybee
- Theory into practice: Challenges and implications for information literacy teaching Deborah Schachter
- Playful learning for information literacy development Andrew Walsh
- Curating knowledge, creating change: University Knowledge Center, Kosovo national transition Mary M. Somerville, Anita Mirjamdotter, Edmond Harjizi, Elham Sayyad-Abdi, Michele Gibney, Christine Bruce and Ian Stoodley
- Adult learning theories and autoethnography: Informing the practice of information literacy Karen Bordonaro
- Studying visual literacy: Research methods and the use of visual evidence Krystyna K. Matusiak
pdf at https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/hq/publications/ifla-journal/ifla-journal-46-2_2020.pdf journal homepage for all issues https://www.ifla.org/publications/ifla-journal
Photo by Sheila Webber: hydrangea, July 2020
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Recent articles: dark knowledge; HEA Fellowship, nurses' information behaviour; use of the IL Framework in China
Burnett, S. and Lloyd, A. (2020). Hidden and forbidden: conceptualising dark knowledge. Journal of documentation . [Early online publication] https://doi.org/10.1108/JD-12-2019-0234 Open access version at https://rgu-repository.worktribe.com/output/895064/hidden-and-forbidden-conceptualising-dark-knowledge "The purpose of this paper is to introduce the concept of Dark Knowledge, an epistemology which acknowledges both alternative knowledges and ways of knowing which are cognizant of the moral and ethical positioning of each."
The 2020 virtual issue of the Health Information and Libraries Journal was also recently published with Table of Contents here. It is composed of older articles taken from the last couple of years, but offered on open access. These are the two most recent ones, I think, relevant to infolit:
- George, S and Rowland, J. (2019). Demonstrating the impact of your teaching: benefits of Higher Education Academy Fellowship for librarians. Health Information & Libraries Journal, 36(3), 288-293 https://doi.org/10.1111/hir.12272
- Butler, R. (2019). Health information seeking behaviour: the librarian's role in supporting digital and health literacy. Health Information & Libraries Journal, 36(3), 278-282
and also this older one is particularly worth highlighting
- Alving, B. et al. (2018). Hospital nurses’ information retrieval behaviours in relation to evidence based nursing: a literature review. Health Information & Libraries Journal, 35(1), 3-23. https://doi.org/10.1111/hir.12204
Xie, J. (2020). Information Literacy Instruction at the University of Macau: Challenges, Outcomes, and Lessons Learned. portal: Libraries and the Academy, 20(2), 255-268. https://muse.jhu.edu/article/753297 "Academic libraries in Macao, China, began to use the term "information literacy" and to offer information literacy programs approximately three years ago. At the University of Macau, information literacy is considered important to help the honors students become junior researchers. Using the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education as the teaching guide, the University of Macau Library offered one-time research workshops to second-year honors students in 2017 and 2018. The challenges included the variety of subjects studied by the honors students, a lack of understanding of the students' information literacy skills prior to the workshop, and limited opportunities to examine the long-term learning impact. The workshop convinced the students of the importance of information literacy. Raising awareness of the importance of information literacy to the students and educators campus wide, offering workshops to one or two disciplines, and forming a university library team to create and implement a compulsory information literacy exam are recommended."
Photo by Sheila Webber: ladybird on nettle leaf, May 2020
The 2020 virtual issue of the Health Information and Libraries Journal was also recently published with Table of Contents here. It is composed of older articles taken from the last couple of years, but offered on open access. These are the two most recent ones, I think, relevant to infolit:
- George, S and Rowland, J. (2019). Demonstrating the impact of your teaching: benefits of Higher Education Academy Fellowship for librarians. Health Information & Libraries Journal, 36(3), 288-293 https://doi.org/10.1111/hir.12272
- Butler, R. (2019). Health information seeking behaviour: the librarian's role in supporting digital and health literacy. Health Information & Libraries Journal, 36(3), 278-282
and also this older one is particularly worth highlighting
- Alving, B. et al. (2018). Hospital nurses’ information retrieval behaviours in relation to evidence based nursing: a literature review. Health Information & Libraries Journal, 35(1), 3-23. https://doi.org/10.1111/hir.12204
Xie, J. (2020). Information Literacy Instruction at the University of Macau: Challenges, Outcomes, and Lessons Learned. portal: Libraries and the Academy, 20(2), 255-268. https://muse.jhu.edu/article/753297 "Academic libraries in Macao, China, began to use the term "information literacy" and to offer information literacy programs approximately three years ago. At the University of Macau, information literacy is considered important to help the honors students become junior researchers. Using the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education as the teaching guide, the University of Macau Library offered one-time research workshops to second-year honors students in 2017 and 2018. The challenges included the variety of subjects studied by the honors students, a lack of understanding of the students' information literacy skills prior to the workshop, and limited opportunities to examine the long-term learning impact. The workshop convinced the students of the importance of information literacy. Raising awareness of the importance of information literacy to the students and educators campus wide, offering workshops to one or two disciplines, and forming a university library team to create and implement a compulsory information literacy exam are recommended."
Photo by Sheila Webber: ladybird on nettle leaf, May 2020
Friday, July 17, 2020
Shifting teaching online
There is a series of "case studies" on the CILIP Information Literacy website, with librarians describing how they have shifted IL teaching online. So far there are contributions from: Delyth Morris (Subject Librarian for Medicine at Cardiff University); David Bedford (Academic Support Librarian at Universities at Medway); Sarah Smyth (Assistant Librarian at Ulster University); Lesley English (Faculty Librarian (Teaching and Learning) at Lancaster University); Eleanor Barker and Veronica Phillips (Medical Library at the University of Cambridge); Hossam Kassem (Open University). https://infolit.org.uk/category/online-teaching-case-studies/
SCONUL 7 Pillars of Information Literacy
Once in a while it's worth highlighting existing resources. There are links to the current version of the SCONUL 7 Pillars of Information Literacy, of the "lenses" that have been developed (e.g. Employability lens), an evaluation of the use of the model, and the original (1999) model at https://www.sconul.ac.uk/page/seven-pillars-of-information-literacy.
Also worth mentioning are:
- Dalton, M. (2013). Developing an evidence-based practice healthcare lens for the SCONUL Seven Pillars of Information Literacy model. Journal of Information Literacy, 7(1), 30-43. https://ojs.lboro.ac.uk/JIL/article/view/PRA-V7-I1-2013-3 (this isn't one of the "official" lens, so isn't mentioned on the page above) and
- Lockerbie, H. and Williams, D. (2019). Seven pillars and five minds: small business workplace information literacy. Journal of Documentation,75(5), 977-994. https://doi.org/10.1108/JD-09-2018-0151 - open access version here (an interesting recent application of the Pillars to a non-academic setting)
Also worth mentioning are:
- Dalton, M. (2013). Developing an evidence-based practice healthcare lens for the SCONUL Seven Pillars of Information Literacy model. Journal of Information Literacy, 7(1), 30-43. https://ojs.lboro.ac.uk/JIL/article/view/PRA-V7-I1-2013-3 (this isn't one of the "official" lens, so isn't mentioned on the page above) and
- Lockerbie, H. and Williams, D. (2019). Seven pillars and five minds: small business workplace information literacy. Journal of Documentation,75(5), 977-994. https://doi.org/10.1108/JD-09-2018-0151 - open access version here (an interesting recent application of the Pillars to a non-academic setting)
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Webinar: COVID-19 and the Digital Divide
Cumberland Lodge has organised a webinar at 11am UK time on 5 August 2020, on COVID-19 & the Digital Divide. The panel consists of Robin Christopherson (Head of Digital Inclusion, AbilityNet), Shabira Papain (Head of Diversity, Inclusion and Reach, NHS), Lauren Razavi (Writer, Speaker and Strategist). "The webinar will explore digital inclusion, with a focus on the particular challenges and obstacles that have arisen thanks to COVID-19. There will be reflection on what society has learnt in recent months about the digital divide and its impact on society, and what policymakers, government and individuals can do to address digital exclusion." The discussion will draw on findings and recommendations from the Cumberland Lodge Report on Digital Inclusion: Bridging Divides (not yet published). More info and registration at https://www.cumberlandlodge.ac.uk/whats-on/dialogue-debate-covid-19-digital-divide
Cumberland Lodge is a charitable foundation which was set up to be "a place where people would 'examine the fundamental assumptions' behind complex challenges facing society". Their publications, webinars etc. cover some interesting topics and you can browse past things at https://www.cumberlandlodge.ac.uk/read-watch-listen - for example A Dialogue & Debate webinar on Fake News & Press Freedom, streamed on 6 May 2020.
Photo by Sheila Webber: hollyhock, July 2020
Cumberland Lodge is a charitable foundation which was set up to be "a place where people would 'examine the fundamental assumptions' behind complex challenges facing society". Their publications, webinars etc. cover some interesting topics and you can browse past things at https://www.cumberlandlodge.ac.uk/read-watch-listen - for example A Dialogue & Debate webinar on Fake News & Press Freedom, streamed on 6 May 2020.
Photo by Sheila Webber: hollyhock, July 2020
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
United National publications on #COVID
This is a useful search string to get a list of the UN publications relating to COVID19: https://tinyurl.com/ybyko5tm or this. Mostly they are short papers, and the list includes:
Digital Connectivity during COVID-19 : Access to Vital Information for Every Child (June 2020) by Daniel Kardefelt-Winther, Rogers Twesigye, Rostislav Zlámal, Marium Saeed, David Smahel, Mariya Stoilova and Sonia Livingstone. There are also papers relating to various protected or vulnerable populations (e.g. older people, women and girls, people on the move, indigenous peoples) and the relationship with Sustainable Development Goals.
Digital Connectivity during COVID-19 : Access to Vital Information for Every Child (June 2020) by Daniel Kardefelt-Winther, Rogers Twesigye, Rostislav Zlámal, Marium Saeed, David Smahel, Mariya Stoilova and Sonia Livingstone. There are also papers relating to various protected or vulnerable populations (e.g. older people, women and girls, people on the move, indigenous peoples) and the relationship with Sustainable Development Goals.
Webinars: Hidden Architectures in Information Literacy
A priced three-part webinar series from ACRL is Hidden Architectures in Information Literacy, which will "make visible the structures, practices, and contexts of information literacy programs in academic libraries." The dates are: 21 July 2020, 28 July 2020 and 4 August 2020, all at 2-3pm US Eastern time (which is, e.g., 7-8pm UK time). The costs are: All 3 - ACRL member US $130; ALA member $200; Nonmember $230; Student $100; Group $595. Individual webinars: ACRL member $50; ALA member $75; Nonmember $90; Student $40; Group $295.
The learning outcomes are: Part One: Articulate the goals of an existing or potential information literacy program; Examine the relationship of information literacy program structures to their institutional contexts; Analyze the goals and structure of an existing or potential information literacy program in order to align them
Part Two: Identify differing information literacy program leadership and management strategies; Examine practices for setting boundaries and negotiating best practices with information literacy stakeholders, including non-library faculty; Explore how power is distributed, shared, and managed in order to facilitate equitable instruction program development
Part Three: Identify potential campus partners in order to integrate information literacy into larger curricular contexts; Articulate best practices for successful information literacy-related collaboration in order to begin relationship-building; Prepare and plan for challenges to collaboration in order to ensure sustainable partnerships.
Full information at http://www.ala.org/acrl/onlinelearning/hidden
Photo by Sheila Webber: front door is a little overgrown, July 2020
The learning outcomes are: Part One: Articulate the goals of an existing or potential information literacy program; Examine the relationship of information literacy program structures to their institutional contexts; Analyze the goals and structure of an existing or potential information literacy program in order to align them
Part Two: Identify differing information literacy program leadership and management strategies; Examine practices for setting boundaries and negotiating best practices with information literacy stakeholders, including non-library faculty; Explore how power is distributed, shared, and managed in order to facilitate equitable instruction program development
Part Three: Identify potential campus partners in order to integrate information literacy into larger curricular contexts; Articulate best practices for successful information literacy-related collaboration in order to begin relationship-building; Prepare and plan for challenges to collaboration in order to ensure sustainable partnerships.
Full information at http://www.ala.org/acrl/onlinelearning/hidden
Photo by Sheila Webber: front door is a little overgrown, July 2020
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Digitaler Kompass - young people & news about COVID
A German-language report from a small scale Austrian survey (about 300 young people aged 11-20, responding May/July 2020) identified that the young people were turning back to more traditional media in informing themselves about COVID-19 with TV, personal communication and online news sites being the most used, and Instagram the most used social media. Unsurprisingly (since it was the most used social media) Instagram was also top for fake news, with TikTok 2nd. Go to https://www.digitalerkompass.at/corona-report-jugend-und-medien/
The survey was carried out by Digitaler Kompass, the "Institute for news literacy and digital education", which is supported by a number of agencies, including the EU and the company 3 https://www.digitalerkompass.at/ and https://www.facebook.com/digitalerkompass/
The survey was carried out by Digitaler Kompass, the "Institute for news literacy and digital education", which is supported by a number of agencies, including the EU and the company 3 https://www.digitalerkompass.at/ and https://www.facebook.com/digitalerkompass/
Monday, July 13, 2020
UN High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development #SDGs - webinar *today* #HLPF2020
Some key sessions from this forum are being streamed, and there is a side event today (July 13 at 4.30 UK time) which IFLA has been involved in organising Culture: An Accelerator Under-Used? "HLPF2020 Side Event, on realising the potential of culture for short-term recovery and long-term sustainable development" Register for the webinar here. More explanation from IFLA here.
The whole High Level Political Forum is 7 July-16 July.
- Recordings of previous sessions are here https://unitar.org/sustainable-development-goals/multilateral-diplomacy/our-portfolio/2020-sdgs-learning-training-practice
- The programme is here (n.b. the times are US Eastern Time): https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/hlpf/2020#programme
- The livestream is here: https://unitar.org/ny/live
The whole High Level Political Forum is 7 July-16 July.
- Recordings of previous sessions are here https://unitar.org/sustainable-development-goals/multilateral-diplomacy/our-portfolio/2020-sdgs-learning-training-practice
- The programme is here (n.b. the times are US Eastern Time): https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/hlpf/2020#programme
- The livestream is here: https://unitar.org/ny/live
Friday, July 10, 2020
New articles: News credibility; Students preferred text format; Academic websites' information for those with disabilities
Articles from the latest issue (vol 81 no 5) of open access College and Research Libraries includes:
- News Credibility: Adapting and Testing a Source Evaluation Assessment in Journalism by Piotr S. Bobkowski, Karna Younger "This paper discusses the development of a source evaluation assessment, and presents the results of using this instrument in a one-semester information literacy course for journalism students."
- Beyond the Surveys: Qualitative Analysis from the Academic Reading Format International Study (ARFIS) by Diane Mizrachi, Alicia M. Salaz "The Academic Reading Format International Study (ARFIS) collected data from more than 21,000 university students in 33 countries regarding their reading format (print or electronic) preferences and behaviors when engaging with academic texts during a three-year period. Quantitative analysis shows a consistent preference for print reading among most students worldwide. This paper presents new findings from our qualitative analysis of students’ survey comments"
- “Without That Detail, I’m Not Coming”: The Perspectives of Students with Disabilities on Accessibility Information Provided on Academic Library Websites by Amelia Brunskill
Go to https://crl.acrl.org/index.php/crl/issue/view/1582/showToc
Photo by Sheila Webber: Hydrangea, July 2020
- News Credibility: Adapting and Testing a Source Evaluation Assessment in Journalism by Piotr S. Bobkowski, Karna Younger "This paper discusses the development of a source evaluation assessment, and presents the results of using this instrument in a one-semester information literacy course for journalism students."
- Beyond the Surveys: Qualitative Analysis from the Academic Reading Format International Study (ARFIS) by Diane Mizrachi, Alicia M. Salaz "The Academic Reading Format International Study (ARFIS) collected data from more than 21,000 university students in 33 countries regarding their reading format (print or electronic) preferences and behaviors when engaging with academic texts during a three-year period. Quantitative analysis shows a consistent preference for print reading among most students worldwide. This paper presents new findings from our qualitative analysis of students’ survey comments"
- “Without That Detail, I’m Not Coming”: The Perspectives of Students with Disabilities on Accessibility Information Provided on Academic Library Websites by Amelia Brunskill
Go to https://crl.acrl.org/index.php/crl/issue/view/1582/showToc
Photo by Sheila Webber: Hydrangea, July 2020
Wednesday, July 08, 2020
ISIC virtual conference
The ISIC (Information Seeking in Context) conference, taking place 28 September to October 2 2020, is now an online conference. Keynote talks are: Archie L Dick on South Africa’s Long Walk to Information Freedom; Gunilla Widen on Infodemic – the challenges of making sense of information disorder and what is the cure?; Naresh Agarwal on The many meanings of Context: Can we arrive at a shared understanding?
Panel sessions are: Exploring the affective dimensions of archives (Wendy Duff, Heather MacNeil, Jennifer Douglas, Henria Aton); Information behaviour and practice research for social impact (Heidi Julien, Rebekah Willson, Ian Ruthven and Nicole Dalmer); What’s fun got to do with it? What fun-life contexts teach us about the bounds of context (Melissa G. Ocepek, Gary Burnett, Eric Forcier and Yazdan Mansourian). Registration at http://www.isic2020.co.za/index.php/registration-and-fees/
Photo by Sheila Webber: hydrangea, June 2020
Panel sessions are: Exploring the affective dimensions of archives (Wendy Duff, Heather MacNeil, Jennifer Douglas, Henria Aton); Information behaviour and practice research for social impact (Heidi Julien, Rebekah Willson, Ian Ruthven and Nicole Dalmer); What’s fun got to do with it? What fun-life contexts teach us about the bounds of context (Melissa G. Ocepek, Gary Burnett, Eric Forcier and Yazdan Mansourian). Registration at http://www.isic2020.co.za/index.php/registration-and-fees/
Photo by Sheila Webber: hydrangea, June 2020
Monday, July 06, 2020
#HIW2020 Health Information Week
This week is Health Information Week 2020: 6 July to 12 July. There is a website with information for professionals and the public at at https://healthinfoweek.wixsite.com/healthinfoweek According to the NHS Knowledge for Healthcare blog there will be themes for each day
Monday 6th July: Health literacy
Tuesday 7th July: Mental Health
Wednesday 8th July: Sepsis
Thursday 9th July: Healthy lifestyles
Friday 10th July: Mobile apps
Saturday 11th July: Mythbusting Common Conditions
Sunday 12th July: Wellbeing and mindfulness
One event is the WeNurses Health Information Week chat on 9 July at 8pm UK time "The chat will explore a number of questions to mirror this year's Health Information Week themes from a nursing perspective. Visit the website http://www.wecommunities.org/tweet-chats/chat-details/5520"
Monday 6th July: Health literacy
Tuesday 7th July: Mental Health
Wednesday 8th July: Sepsis
Thursday 9th July: Healthy lifestyles
Friday 10th July: Mobile apps
Saturday 11th July: Mythbusting Common Conditions
Sunday 12th July: Wellbeing and mindfulness
One event is the WeNurses Health Information Week chat on 9 July at 8pm UK time "The chat will explore a number of questions to mirror this year's Health Information Week themes from a nursing perspective. Visit the website http://www.wecommunities.org/tweet-chats/chat-details/5520"
Sunday, July 05, 2020
#uklibchat 6th July 2020 - LGBTQ+ representation and support in libraries
The next #uklibchat takes place on 6 July from 7.00 – 8.30pm UK time. The topic is LGBTQ+ representation and support in libraries and more information can be found here https://uklibchat.wordpress.com/
Friday, July 03, 2020
After the Fact: Carla Hayden on America's Library; Infodemic
The previous podcast was on The Infodemic "According to the World Health Organization, people are not only living through an epidemic but also an “infodemic”—a surge of information about COVID-19 that has made it hard for people to know which news and guidance about the virus is accurate. In a conversation with Alan Miller, founder and CEO of the News Literacy Project, we discuss how to sort fact from fiction today"
Ones before that included topics such as The Broadband Gap—Who's Not Online in America Today (picking up on Pew's research studies).
The homepage for the podcast is here https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/articles/2017/01/after-the-fact and you can subscribe through Apple, Spotify etc.
Thursday, July 02, 2020
Webinar: Wellbeing: let’s talk… from a distance
There is a webinar on 8 July 10-12.30am UK time: Wellbeing: let’s talk… from a distance, organised by CILIP ARLG North West. "The sessions will look at supporting both student and staff wellbeing in our [further andd higher education] organisations. The sessions, a mixture of exchange of experience and a workshop, will provide an opportunity to reflect on your own wellbeing and give you ideas to support students." Speakers are
- A whole college approach to wellbeing (Corinne Walker, Learning Resources Manager, Oldham College LRC)
- Learning lessons: a plan for working well at home (Mark Burgess & Helen Dobson, Manchester Metropolitan University Library)
- Creativity for wellbeing (Emma Thompson, Education Lead: Creativity for wellbeing (KnowHow/Library), University of Liverpool)
- Shelf Help (Lorna Thomson, Resource Librarian, Bury College LRC)
To book email Jacqueline Ponka jpo@holycross.ac.uk and there is more detail at https://arlgnw.wordpress.com/
Photo by Sheila Webber: sun through new leaves, May 2020
- A whole college approach to wellbeing (Corinne Walker, Learning Resources Manager, Oldham College LRC)
- Learning lessons: a plan for working well at home (Mark Burgess & Helen Dobson, Manchester Metropolitan University Library)
- Creativity for wellbeing (Emma Thompson, Education Lead: Creativity for wellbeing (KnowHow/Library), University of Liverpool)
- Shelf Help (Lorna Thomson, Resource Librarian, Bury College LRC)
To book email Jacqueline Ponka jpo@holycross.ac.uk and there is more detail at https://arlgnw.wordpress.com/
Photo by Sheila Webber: sun through new leaves, May 2020
Webinar today: Media and Information Literacy as a defence against privacy and data protection infringements #MILCLICKS
There is another UNESCO Media and Information Literacy webinar on July 2nd 2020 at 4pm Paris time (3pm UK time). The topic this time is Media and Information Literacy as a defence against privacy and data protection infringements You cannot miss this high-level UNESCO-GAPMIL webinar next Thursday at 4 PM Paris time. Speakers are Professor Sonia Livingstone (London School of Economics and Political Science - LSE), Professor Joe Cannataci (UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy), Professor Hopeton Dunn (University of Botswana_Official), Toby Mendel (Executive Director of the Centre for Law and Democracy) and Professor Gretchen King (Lebanese American University - LAU).
Go to https://www.facebook.com/MILCLICKS/ for the webinar, no registration needed
Go to https://www.facebook.com/MILCLICKS/ for the webinar, no registration needed
Wednesday, July 01, 2020
LIRT top twenty articles
The latest issue of LIRT [Library Instruction Round Table] News has the annual LIRT list of their "top 20 articles" (published in 2019) on teaching information literacy. As usual, there is a bias towards North American articles, but it is still an interesting list to dip into. An attractive feature is the provision of an informative abstract for each item (not just a copy of what was in the original article). The issue is at http://www.ala.org/rt/sites/ala.org.rt/files/content/archive/2020jun.pdf and the Top 20 list starts on page 9.
Quite a few of the articles are not open access and I have listed a number of them on this blog already. One which I have missed previously is:
Douglas, V. A., & Gadsby, J. (2019, July 10). All carrots, no sticks: Relational practice and library instruction coordination. In the Library with the Lead Pipe. http://www.inthelibrarywiththeleadpipe.org/2019/all-carrots-no-sticks-relational-practice-and-library-instruction-coordination/
Photo by Sheila Webber: vase of peonies, June 2020
Quite a few of the articles are not open access and I have listed a number of them on this blog already. One which I have missed previously is:
Douglas, V. A., & Gadsby, J. (2019, July 10). All carrots, no sticks: Relational practice and library instruction coordination. In the Library with the Lead Pipe. http://www.inthelibrarywiththeleadpipe.org/2019/all-carrots-no-sticks-relational-practice-and-library-instruction-coordination/
Photo by Sheila Webber: vase of peonies, June 2020
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