Centre for Information Literacy Research: summer event
Date: August 13th 2008, 1.30-4pm (You can attend for just part of the programme if they wish)
Place: Department of Information Studies, University of Sheffield, Regent Court building, Regent Street, Sheffield (see http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/visitors/
mapsandtravel/university_big.html (Building 166 at G3) or http://tinyurl.com/5tmfyz (Multimap)
Description: This free half day event presents a keynote from a visiting academic plus reports on research and activities in progress. With a focus on higher education, the talks will appeal to anyone interested in information literacy in different disciplines and contexts. . Email information.literacy.research@googlemail.com if you would like to attend so that we can order the right number of teas and coffees for the break!
Sessions as follows (a little more info is here)
Welcome (from me) and keynote from Dr Yazdan Mansourian, Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Technology, Tarbiat Moallem University, Iran: Implications of the information visibility model in information literacy research and practice. Phussadee Dokphrom Information Literacy of undergraduate students in Silpakorn University Geography Department: emerging findings. Phussadee Dokphrom will report on findings from her doctoral research into information literacy at Silpakorn University (Thailand).
Helen Dobson, University of Manchester Library and MA Librarianship programme Evaluating Information Literacy at the University of Manchester.
Date: August 13th 2008, 1.30-4pm (You can attend for just part of the programme if they wish)
Place: Department of Information Studies, University of Sheffield, Regent Court building, Regent Street, Sheffield (see http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/visitors/
mapsandtravel/university_big.html (Building 166 at G3) or http://tinyurl.com/5tmfyz (Multimap)
Description: This free half day event presents a keynote from a visiting academic plus reports on research and activities in progress. With a focus on higher education, the talks will appeal to anyone interested in information literacy in different disciplines and contexts. . Email information.literacy.research@googlemail.com if you would like to attend so that we can order the right number of teas and coffees for the break!
Sessions as follows (a little more info is here)
Welcome (from me) and keynote from Dr Yazdan Mansourian, Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Technology, Tarbiat Moallem University, Iran: Implications of the information visibility model in information literacy research and practice. Phussadee Dokphrom Information Literacy of undergraduate students in Silpakorn University Geography Department: emerging findings. Phussadee Dokphrom will report on findings from her doctoral research into information literacy at Silpakorn University (Thailand).
Helen Dobson, University of Manchester Library and MA Librarianship programme Evaluating Information Literacy at the University of Manchester.
Maryam Nazari Conceptions of GIS (Geographic Information Systems/Science) and implications for information literacy.
Pam McKinney, Learning Development and Research Associate (Information Literacy), Centre for Inquiry Based Learning in the Arts and Social Sciences. Inquiry Based Learning and Information Literacy: a report on CILASS experiences.
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