Whilst I was a the Lifelong Learning conference in Yeppoon I met
Simon Hart(shown right) [added 9 July - many apologies to him for getting his name wrong in my initial post, my only excuse is that I was concentrating too much on the technical challenges, see below, and not enough on what I was writing]. Simon is Learning Service Librarian at the University of Otago, New Zealand. He has a blog at
http://akorawa.blogspot.com/ and you will find a post linking to a useful mindmapping application and also (if you scroll down) to a number of links to material about
Information Literacy at the University of Otago, which are worth looking at. In fact scroll down still further and there is another interesting post about the information research cycle, linking through to an article by Lesley Ngatai "Beyond Searching: Information Literacy for Postgraduate Engineering".
Currently I am staying with my aunt in South Australia (prior to coming home), which is very enjoyable, but she just has a dial-up connection - gosh, do you get spoilt by the speed of broadband!
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