I have just made a post on the Inquiry Based Learning blog about a presentation (from the First Year Experience conference) on using an inquiry based approach with first year psychology students at Griffith University (Australia): my summary of her approach to learning, teaching and assessment is here.
Another presentation about psychology students was given at the Learning Through Enquiry Alliance conference in Sheffield a week ago. The title was Journals contain facts, unlike the Daily Mail: implementation of an inquiry-based learning task enabling evaluation of information sources (M. Jones and P. McKinney). The abstract is "Because of its intrinsic 'human interest' content, psychology is often misrepresented or trivialised within the popular media, this contrast between the media approach and the scholarly approach provided a landscape for student inquiry. Participants will be presented with a novel approach to embedding information literacy within the social science curriculum. They will be given an outline of the difficulties one may encounter in designing IBL to be delivered by a team of associate tutors and be able to engage in a critical discourse on the nature of developing information literacy through inquiry." The PowerPoint is here: http://www.slideshare.net/cilass.slideshare/
There is a blog posting on a number of LTEA2008 sessions including the psychology one at http://library.hud.ac.uk/blogs/il/?p=138
Photo by Sheila Webber: Bridge over the Derwent, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, June 2008.
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