NHS Scotland
NHS Education for Scotland Knowledge Services Group has produced an Information Literacy Framework to support the development of information literacy among healthcare staff, patients and carers. "The Framework is intended to support the development of improved, confident information-use among the workforce and general population of Scotland, envisioned by the Scottish Government in its action plan Better health, Better care."
A draft of the Framework is at
1012229/theframework.pdf and comments are welcome via a discussion forum at
http://www.infoliteracy.scot.nhs.uk/literacydiscussion/Photo by Sheila Webber: mailboxes, Port Julia, Australia, July 2008
1 comment:
Very interesting.
I came across a reference to the national(I assume this means British?) NHS proposing a project to develop an information literacy modular curriculum that was to have been a national scheme for the healthcare sector. Do you have any idea whether this ever went ahead? Or has the issue devolved to regional authorities?
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