Monday, December 28, 2020

IFLA webinar recordings

There are recordings from IFLA webinars in its Youtube channel (IFLA=International Federation for Library Associations & Institutions). These include: 

 - Moodle for Education and Training (which took place on 10 December 2020) which has an interesting range of presentations looking at use of Moodle from different perspectives and in different educational contexts. The slides are also avialable here

- IFLA Section on Education and Training (SET) 2 day Webinar series (19/20 November 2020). Day 1 included Youth access to social media in Libraryand Information Science in Kuwait and Taiwan (Hanadi Buarki, Hui-Yun Sung); AllWork and All Play. Sustainable Development Awareness Tools for Librarians (RaphaëlleBats, Camille Delaune, Mathilde Gaffet, LaurePapon-Vidal; From checklists to critical thinking: Updating information analysis in the age of fake news (Julie Biando Edwards) . The slides are here

- Talks on Fake News & Its Impact on Society (18 November 2020) 

The IFLA channel is at

Photo by Sheila Webber: sun on Christmas Day, December 2020

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