Lonsdale, R. and Armstrong, C. (2006) "The role of the university library in supporting information literacy in UK secondary schools." Aslib Proceedings, 58 (6), 553-569 "Abstract: Purpose - The purpose of this research is to report on the findings of the CrossEd-2 study which investigated the role of the university library in delivering information literacy skills relating to the use of e-resources to secondary schools in the UK. Methodology - A quantitative survey of all university libraries in the UK was undertaken using an e-mail questionnaire to identify the incidence of current collaboration. A return rate of 36 per cent was achieved, and the data provided information on the types of collaboration taking place in a total of 20 universities. These were categorized and used to select a survey population of six university libraries for the qualitative study. Data collection for the case studies was by means of face-to-face and telephone interviews with university librarians, using semi-structured interview schedules."
Foster, A. E. (2006) "Information literacy for the information profession: experiences
from Aberystwyth." Aslib Proceedings, 58 (6), 488-501.
"Abstract: Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to report on the rationale and key learning processes for students of librarianship and information studies (LIS) at the Department of Information Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth. Its purpose is to raise awareness of
the ways in which professional training can incorporate research, and ultimately inform professional practice, and to describe the way in which recent research can be used to shape the curriculum. Methodology - A literature review, identification of key principles for curriculum development, and discussion of processes is provided. Key learning outcomes for the course are put forward and the approach taken to them described."
The home page of the journakl is http://www.emeraldinsight.com/info/journals/ap/ap.jsp
Photo by Sheila Webber: Weston Park, Sheffield, Nov 2006.
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