Yesterday I attended a event to do with the LIMES project (more in my next entry) which was also attended by Moira Bent, who I have mentioned before on this blog. Moira is was awarded one of the Higher Education Academy's National Teaching Fellowships, and she is using the money associated with this to pursue a project concerned with developing university teaching staff's interest in IL and to pursue her own interests and research in IL.
Anyway, she alerted me to the fact that she has her own
Information Literacy blog at
http://blogs.ncl.ac.uk/moira.bent and it is well worth looking at. It has an entry about the LIMES event yesterday, and in particular it has entries on her month-long study tour of Australia. Plus she has some really nice photos, especially of birds and animals.
Photo by Sheila Webber: Ice plant (sedum) and autumn leaves, Nov 2006.
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