In the meantime, I noticed a mention of a presentation at the ALT-C conference: Electronic resource discovery systems: do they help or hinder in searching for academic material? by Hanna Stelmaszewska et al.
(PowerPoint at http://altc2010.alt.ac.uk/attachments/0001/1818/alt-c-pres-bb.ppt and the paper is in the proceedings which is in one large pdf at http://repository.alt.ac.uk/797/2/Conference_Proc_web.pdf )
The presentation was picked up in this article, which simplifies the message somewhat:
Spencer, D. (2010) "UK: Students shun expensive library services." University world news. September 12. http://www.universityworldnews.com/article.php?story=20100911065234821
They do, though, mention one of the final recommendations of the presentation: "Embed information literacy at subject (module) level."
The research is reported in full in the JISC report published at the end of June:
Wong, W. et al (2010) User Behaviour Observational Study: User Behaviour in Resource Discovery Final Report. JISC. http://www.jisc.ac.uk/publications/programmerelated/2010/ubirdfinalreport.aspx
Photo by Sheila Webber: Autumn roses in Lund, Sweden, September 2010
1 comment:
I meant to mention that I heard about the Spencer article in a post by Red Wassenich on the ili-l discussion list
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