"Librarians who created the four excellent, comprehensive information literacy tutorials listed below were kind enough to give me permission to point to them from the TILT site. If you were using TILT, my hope is that one of these tutorials meets your needs.
* Empower from Wichita State University: http://library.wichita.edu/empower/
* IRIS from Clark College: http://www.clark.edu/Library/iris/
* LILI: LEARN Information Literacy Initiative: adaptation by the LEARN network of 32 TAFE library locations, South Australia: http://www2.tafe.sa.edu.au/lili/
* Pilot from Sacramento City College - Los Rios:http://pilot.scc.losrios.edu/pilot/
The option to download, modify and host TILT on your local servers will remain available until May 2010. You can get to it from the TILT site (http://tilt.lib.utsystem.edu/)."
This information came during a discussion on ili about information literacy tutorials. I recommended the Intute tutorials (http://www.vts.intute.ac.uk/), Mardi Chalmers recommended TIP-Tutorial for Information Power as being "very good" http://tip.uwyo.edu/info_overload.html
and another recommendation was Bare Bones 101: A Basic Tutorial On Using The Web: http://www.sc.edu/beaufort/library/pages/bones/bones.shtml
Photo by Sheila Webber: Cooking (tilted), August 2009
1 comment:
I sent this post to two of my colleagues at U Wyoming who work on TIP. Thanks for the mention--it really is a useful tutorial and quiz.
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