Just a quick glance indicates that this could be very useful - though people outside the UK will need to bear in mind that, although there are international agreements about IPR, there are all some variations in law between nations.
The toolkit starts with a useful navigation map for your IPR questions, then there is a glossary, case studies, model forms (e.g. for requests or permissions or contracts) and various information sheets e.g. one on Web 2.0 and Intellectual Property. The toolkit is at http://sca.jiscinvolve.org/ipr-publications/
The Strategic Content Alliance is also running some free Intellectual Property Rights and Licensing workshops in London, UK, aimed at people involved in the delivery of online content and services over the internet. The workshops are run by Professor Charles Oppenheim and Emma Beer and provide an opportunity to learn about developments and to test the SCA IPR and Licensing Toolkit. These workshops will be on Thursday 8th October 2009, Monday 26th October 2009, Thursday 12th November 2009. Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Please email naomi@naomikorn.com to reserve a place.
Photo by Sheila Webber: Ivy leaves, sunlight, Hellingly, August 2009
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