Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Teacher Training Resource Bank

The Teacher Training Resource Bank "provides access to the research & evidence base informing teacher education. All materials are quality assured through a rigorous process of academic scrutiny and monitoring undertaken by a team of expert teacher educators." For example, a recent addition is a summary/review of the following report (i.e. the review of the report is on the TTRB site, but not the report itself):
Meyer, B. et al (2008) Independent Learning Literature Review. Learning and Skills Network. http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/research/data/

TTRB is provided by four bodies including the Institute of Education (in London) and has an e-librarian section with responses to questions and the option to ask new questions of the e-librarian (which has real librarians behind it).
Photo by Sheila Webber: Squirrel, almost seen, August 2009.

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