I spent yesterday at the conference & writing to dissertation students and today I actually want to see a little of Milan, so I will wait til this evening to post some more conference entries - particularly one about the information literacy logo competition.
In the meantime, a new book has been published in Swedish.
Lindqvist, M. and Söderlind, P. (2009) Informationskompetens: En grundbok. Santerus Forlag. Price: 199 kr Swedish; ISBN: 978-91-7359-016-7: 244 pages.
More information in Swedish at http://www.santerus.se/1100/1100.asp?id=3624 and the authors' information literacy blog http://linux.glykol.com/infokomp/2009/08/13
/informationskompetens-en-grundbok/ and they also referred me to an English language interview about their ideas at http://www.findability.org/archives/000120.php
This last is worth reading even if you do not have good enough Swedish to read the book!
Photo by Sheila Webber: Working where you can at the conference centre (I sat on that bench to use my laptop too!)
Clearly, the biggest need was not for such fancy hitech stuff as WiFi, but for chairs .... ;)
Hi Sheila!
Since you have mentioned Peder's and Martin's book on informationskompetens (information literacy) I would like to mention an even more recent publication in Swedish. Just a few weeks ago the edited volume Informationskompetenser (which is Information literacies in English; note the plural form) came out. The contributors come from LIS and Educational research. Some of the authors you might be familiar with. For example Louise Limberg, Olof Sundin, Sanna Talja and Roger Säljö. The majority of the contributing authors are Swedish but there are also contributors from Denmark and Finland. I have got a chapter in the book as well. It is edited by two colleagues of mine, Jenny Hedman and Anna Lundh. Information about the book can be found here: http://www.carlssonbokforlag.se/boecker/aktuell-utgivning/informationskompetenser.aspx (Unfortunately it's only in Swedish).
Best whishes
Ola P.
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