Monday, March 30, 2015

The World through Picture Books

Literacy, rather than information literacy, but I couldn't resist linking to this publication, which lists the favourite picture books in many countries of the world. It includes a thumbnail of the book's cover and a brief description (in English plus in the native language of the country) for each book. There are also ideas for children's activities with the books.

Everall, A. and Quiñones, V. (2015). The World through Picture Books: Librarians’ favourite books from their country. 2nd ed. The Hague: IFLA.

It was produced by the Libraries for Children and Young Adults Section of IFLA – International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions – in collaboration with IFLA Literacy and Reading Section and the International Board on Books for Young People.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

May I also suggest Dog loves Fairy Tales by Louisa Yates a good book with sone quirky endings.
Also Open very carefully by Nick Bromley
Illustrator: Nicola O'Byrne
Thiswent down very well with years 1 and yr 2's in the local library
they loved predictinbg what was going to happen next.It was also highly useful for book care .