Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Bibliographies from Mick Healey

Photo by Sheila Webber of pale blue hydrangea in July 2024

There are some useful bibliographies concerned with research into student learning in Higher Education which have been maintained for years by Professor Emeritus Mick Healey. I have mentioned them before, but they are being kept updated so I will mention them again.
The topics are: 1 Active learning and learning styles; 2 Discipline based approaches to supporting learning and teaching; 3 Linking research and teaching; 4 Pedagogic research and development; 5 The scholarship of teaching and learning; 6 The scholarship of engagement; 7 Dissertations and capstone projects; 8 Students as partners and change agents; 9 Research-based curricula in college-based higher education; 10 Writing about learning and teaching in higher education.
This is the link (apologies for not including it at first!) https://www.healeyheconsultants.co.uk/resources
Photo by Sheila Webber: pale blue hydrangea, July 2024

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