Monday, August 19, 2024

Webinar: Educating for a Challenging Future - Political and Digital Literacy

Photo by Sheila Webber of  a blue pottery bowl containing foraged blackberries with a few agapanthus buds and that is standing on a Blue Bird plate in August 2024
A free webinar on 6 September at 11.00-12.00 UK time (BST) is Educating for a Challenging Future - Political and Digital Literacy . It is organised by CILIP Scotland and covers a project from the University of Edinburgh, working with Education Scotland "to help reform the curriculum to help prepare people for the future." "The University of Edinburgh is working with Education Scotland to help reform the curriculum to help prepare people for the future where reality is contested on social media, there are fewer trusted institutions and thinking is outsourced to AI. They are currently at the ‘big ideas’ stage – formulating project’s guiding principles. ... This webinar will highlight these considerations and also explore how libraries might contribute". It says it is "open to CILIP members" but it looks to me like it's free to everyone. Register at
Photo by Sheila Webber: foraged blackberries and some agapanthus buds, August 2024

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