Thursday, August 29, 2024

Recording: Putting the New Standards for Distance and Online Learning Library Services in Action

A final ACRL recording for this week: of a webinar on 10 June 2024 organised by the ACRL Distance and Online Learning Section Standards Committee: Putting the New Standards for Distance and Online Learning Library Services in Action. This looked at the standards and how they were developed, the accompanying worksheet and the toolkit they have developed. The recording is at and embedded below (51 minutes).
The standards are at and this is the toolkit I will highlight the standard relating to information literacy "Research & Instruction Standard: The library provides reference, research support, consultation, and instruction to distance and online learning communities.
"Benchmarks The library:
"Ensures instruction methods are supported by the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education.
"Creates appropriate learning outcomes specific to the institution.
"Encourages library instructors to work collaboratively with teaching faculty to include information literacy instruction into distance and online courses and programs.
"Collaborates with faculty and/or learning management system administrator to embed library tools and instructional materials into the online classroom.
"Provides point-of-need or virtual assistance which may include, but is not limited to, the following: ○ research needs ○ use of collections and equipment ○ general library services ○ referrals
"Markets and promotes educational services directly to distance and online learning communities."

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