Monday, August 05, 2024

New articles: AI for infolit; AI competency; Data competency; Feedback literacy

Photo by Sheila Webber of colourful rubbish bins and someone on a bike going past in Bournemouth in June 2024

Volume 50 issue 4 (2024) of the Journal of Academic Librarianship (a priced publication) includes the following:
- Integrating large language models and generative artificial intelligence tools into information literacy instruction by Alexander J. Carroll, Joshua Borycz (open access)
- Facilitating inclusive and equitable curricular changes: A case study of embedded librarianship in a faculty learning community by Emily Z. Mann, Ashley N. Reese, Michelle Madden, Timothy Henkel
- Data competency for academic librarians: Evaluating present trends and future prospects by Jiebei Luo, Rong Tang
- From insight to innovation: Harnessing artificial intelligence for dynamic literature reviews Stephen Buetow, Joshua Lovatt (open access)
- Successful feedback literacy for library and information science professionals: A literature review by Jessica N. Szempruch, LeEtta M. Schmidt
- B-Wheel – Building AI competences in academic libraries by Heli Kautonen, Andrea Alessandro Gasparini (open access)
Contents page at (note: I can't seem to access the Science Direct site using Firefox, but it was fine with Chrome)
Photo by Sheila Webber: Bournemouth, June 2024 (spot the goats)

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