Monday, August 26, 2024

Information intergrity: examples and principles

Photo by Sheila Webber of red roses in August 2024

Thanks to the IFLA FAIFE newsletter which included (amongst numerous other things) a link to an interesting article about information integrity in elections in Taiwan, Comoros, Pakistan, India, and South Africa (some good, mostly bad)
Hollstein, T. & Jones, B.G. (2024, August 6). What we learned about information integrity from five 2024 elections. Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD). 

Also, substantially, a link to The United Nations Global Principles For Information Integrity released on 24 June 2024. The principles are: societal trust and resilience; independent, free and pluralistic media; transparency and research; public empowerment; and healthy incentives.
Under Powerful Empowerment they note "Media, information and digital literacy training initiatives should focus attention on empowering all, in particular focusing on the specific challenges faced by women, older persons, children, youth, persons with disabilities and groups in situations of vulnerability and marginalization."
Photo by Sheila Webber: red roses, August 2024

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