Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Cfp: iConference: Living in an AI-gorithmic World

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There is a call for papers for the iConference 2025 which has the theme  Living in an AI-gorithmic World. It takes place virtually 11-14 March 2025 and in person in Bloomington, USA, 18-22 March 2025. The deadline is 15 September 15 2024 for full research papers, short research papers & posters and 20 October 2024 for workshops and interactive sessions. "iConference 2025 seeks to explore the potentially profound implications of living in a world increasingly influenced by algorithmic processes, such as generative artificial intelligence, machine learning, large language models (LLM), data analytics, and related technologies." The call for papers is here https://www.ischools.org/post/iconference-2025-call-for-papers

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